The tentacled snake, Erpeton tentaculatus, is an aquatic snake that lives in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. The snake has two appendages on the top sides of its snout. The snake also has a very clever strategy for capturing prey. Leer más.

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Esta primavera, Enrique Ruiz y Miguel Ángel Romeo, de Ansar, encontraron poblaciones de ambas especies en la Reserva Natural de Los Galachos del Ebro, en la Alfranca. Romeo y Ruiz siguieron informaciones facilitadas por los monitores del centro de interpretación y agentes de protección natural de la reserva hasta localizar las poblaciones de estos dos tritones, palmeado y jaspeado. Leer más.
Baby alligators can’t depend on their elders for a helping hand. In fact, young gators are a perfect bite to eat for large gator adults. Now, a new study finds that between 6 percent and 7 percent of young alligators fall victim to the cruel fate of cannibalism. On the other hand, a little gator-on-gator cannibalism may help keep their populations stable. |