A new study describes a new technique used to measure the weight and size of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. It could forever change museum exhibits, book illustrations, and other recreations of these now-extinct species. The study appears in the latest issue of Biology Letters. Leer más.
The new paper that describes Fruitachampsa callisoni calls the animal “A new shartegosuchid crocodyliform from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of western Colorado.” That’s “new” in a relative sense. Leer más.
The goal for yesterday’s field trip was to find a population of Gray Tree Frogs (Hyla versicolor). For whatever reason, everyone is finding them in the strangest of places lately – including a lone tree in the middle of a rural elementary school playground. But I have not found a single one yet. I was hoping to change that yesterday. Leer más.
Farem un cens dels amfibis que podem trobar al nostre tram de riu. A l’inici de l’activitat es farà una petita explicació de la metodologia a seguir i de les principals característiques d’aquests animals. Cal portar botes d’aigua, llanterna i roba d’abric. Activitat emmarcada dins del projecte de recuperació ecològica del riu Ripoll. Leer más.