According to the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation group (ARC), the lizard was lost altogether from a number of areas, including Cheshire, Cornwall, Kent, Sussex, and north and west Wales. Leer más.
Based on two new studies by researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, regeneration of a new limb or organ in a human will be much more difficult than the mad scientist and supervillain, Dr. Curt Connors, made it seem in the Amazing Spider-man comics and films. Leer más.
University of Florida researchers studying river turtles in Missouri found populations of the northern map turtle have not recovered from harvesting in the 1970s. Leer más.
T’agradaria tenir els coneixements necessaris per manipular amfibis i rèptils? Si t’interessa, El Raspinell i el CRARC (Centre de Recuperació d’Amfibis i Rèptils de Catalunya) et proposen un curs molt pràctic. Leer más.