
Después de este largo y seco verano, por fin se ven los resultados de las tan ansiadas lluvias. Con 67´60 litros en septiembre, 203 litros en octubre y los 168´20 litros de este mes, a estas horas del día de hoy, (datos del SAIH) la cosa a mejorado mucho. La tierra se ha empapado bien de agua y las charcas han acumulado una buena cantidad de agua, aquí os dejo fotos de algunas de ellas. Leer más.

Scientists have announced the discovery of a new horned dinosaur from Alberta, Canada called Xenoceratops foremostensis. The dinosaur, which roamed Cananda 78 million years ago, was identified from fossils originally collected in 1958. The scientists say it is the oldest known large-bodied horned dinosaur. Xenoceratops was a plant-eating dinosaur that was 20 feet long and weighed over 2 tons. Leer más.

The group of radiated tortoises that was confiscated at the Ivato Airport (Madagascar) on October 10 is still being cared for by the staff at the office that the TSA shares with the Madagascar Biodiversity Partnership in Antaranarivo. The tortoises (569 total) had been packed into just four suitcases when they were found and many have suffered health consequences as a result. In total, 50 have been lost thus far, primarily due to stress, dehydration and immune issues. Leer más.