
As Lab Technician in an evolutionary biology/herpetology research lab, provide technical support for molecular systematics and comparative population genetics/genomics research. Specific responsibilities include DNA isolation, PCR, library construction, sample preparation, editing sequence data, using genomic database and searching tools, running phylogenetic and population genetic software, and data interpretation. General responsibilities include maintaining and purchasing laboratory supplies, assisting with grant proposal and manuscript preparation, and assisting with student training. Leer más.

Two graduate student (M.S.) positions are available, including two years of stipend and tuition remission, in the Department of Biology at San Francisco State University. These students will be co-advised by Andy Zink and Vance Vredenburg and work directly on a project investigating the relationships between communal nesting in Batrachoseps salamanders and the spread of fungal pathogens. Students will be expected to combine laboratory work (sampling museum specimens, quantitative PCR) with field work on salamander behavior and ecology throughout California. Interested students should email their CV, unofficial transcripts, and GRE scores to Andy Zink at with SALAMANDER POSITION (M.S.) in the subject line of the email.
Andrew G. Zink.
Assistant Professor of Biology
San Francisco State University