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Placodonts were among the first marine reptiles. With their trademark crushing teeth, they fed on shellfish and crustaceans. However, when and where these highly specialized marine reptiles originated remained unclear until now. Leer más.
hey’re disappearing rapidly from the rivers and lakes where they’ve been able to survive at all. But at one Scarborough restaurant, they were blatantly listed right there on the menu: to delight the palate, soup made from threatened freshwater turtles. Leer más.
Daniel Heuclin es fotógrafo profesional de la vida salvaje. Según señala en su sitio web, le gustan los animales en general, pero siente una particular fascinación por los anfibios y reptiles. Debido a esto, viajó por el mundo capturando a estos animales mirando fijamente su lente. Leer más.
For over a century and quarter, the tiny Geckoella jeyporensis, a small lizard measuring up to 10 cm, was given up as extinct. Now it has been spotted in the Eastern Ghats, causing scientists to cheer. Leer más.