Changing climatic conditions could significantly influence hatching success of sea turtles. Our results show that protracted rainfall increased the water table levels and sand moisture, which consequently increased egg mortality in deeper nests. Leer más.

We show frogs were positively associated with woody vegetation plantings within farmland, but many frog species were ubiquitous throughout the landscape, likely reflecting the dominance of a few disturbance tolerant species in the amphibian assemblage. Leer más.
This study provides the first large-scale data showing that wild boars represent a major risk for snakes, pushing populations to extinction. Drastic population declines were observed in the sites impacted by wild boars (N = 14), while in other sites spared by wild boars populations remained stable (N = 9). Leer más.
En la Zona de Exclusión de Chernóbil, un equipo liderado por Germán Orizaola de la Universidad de Oviedo ha realizado un estudio que sugiere la existencia de respuestas adaptativas frente a la radiación en vertebrados. Los ejemplares con mayores niveles de melanina, habrían sufrido un menor impacto de la radiación liberada por la catástrofe nuclear. Leer más.