A new genus and species of Caribbean forest lizard of the subfamily Celestinae Schools & Hedges are described. This new taxon is known only from two small adjacent keys in the Laguna de Oviedo of the Parque Nacional Jaragua in the Barahona Peninsula, Dominican Republic, at the southernmost region of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. Leer más.
A molecular phylogeny of the Neotropical snail-eating snakes (tribe Dipsadini Bonaparte, 1838) is presented that includes 60 of the 133 species currently recognized. There is morphological and phylogenetic support for four new species of Sibon Fitzinger, 1826 and one of Dipsas Laurenti, 1768, which are described here based on their unique combination of molecular, meristic, and color pattern characteristics. Leer más.
La seva nova gran aportació és la creació d’un manual que presenta el protocol d’anàlisi de riscos d’espècies exòtiques a Catalunya elaborat per als grups de plantes, animals terrestres i animals aquàtics. Leer más.