Results obtained from a full dataset of 392 individuals (356,874 bp; 24,192 SNPs) were compared with those obtained after excluding substantially admixed individuals (n = 95; 835,467 bp; 51,557 SNPs) to explore the consequences of introgression on phylogenetic inference and taxonomic arrangement of subspecies. Leer más.
Un estudio previo liderado por Jaime Bosh en Mallorca, con poblaciones de sapo partero balear, logró eliminar el hongo retirando los ejemplares del agua. Ahora, esta nueva investigación con el sapo partero bético en Andalucía, permite aplicar un fungicida agrario directamente en el entorno natural. Leer más.
It’s a warm day in the garden and a male blackbird stands sunbathing, wings held out like a cormorant, its sleek back angled to the sun. I too am relishing the warmth as I sit with a cup of tea in front of the log store. Leer más.
Our results support the oscillation hypothesis to explain the relationships between speciation and changes in climatic-niche position and climatic-niche breadth. Leer más.
. Our analysis reveals important patterns in pigmentation change and stability in this widespread species but the mechanisms and specific drivers remain unknown. Leer más.