Pleasure Island sea turtle patrol volunteers found the season’s sixth nest in Carolina Beach this morning – and it might be a rare one. Leer más.

The chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) has been devastating amphibians globally. Two general scenarios have been proposed for the nature and spread of this pathogen: Bd is an epidemic, spreading as a wave and wiping out individuals, populations, and species in its path; and Bd is endemic, widespread throughout many geographic regions on every continent except Antarctica. Leer más.
The Solomon Islands Ministry of Fisheries says it will call a meeting with the Environment Ministry to discuss the country’s growing crocodile population. Leer más.
Hawaii has been largely successful in preventing snakes from entering the island paradise over the years and avoiding the grave danger they present to tropical birds, colourful plants and the vibrant environment that draws millions of tourists to the state each year. Leer más.
Making its first appearance in Texas, a prehistoric crocodile thought to have originated in Europe now appears to have been a native of the Lone Star State. Leer más.