Dos quilos i prop de 70 cm d’allargada, aquestes són les mides del curiós rèptil localitzat a sota les grades del galliner del teatre del Casino Llagosterenc. La troballa l’han fet els operaris de l’empresa que aquests dies participen en les feines de reforma d’aquesta part del teatre. Leer más.

Modern scientists would have loved the sight of early reptiles running across the Bromacker near Tambach-Dietharz (Germany) 300 million years ago. Leer más.
Over the past 30 years, around 200 species of amphibians have disappeared due to chytridiomycosis, a fungal infection. The scientific community has attempted to fight the pathogen, without success. Leer más.
For decades, paleontologists and molecular biologists have disagreed about whether turtles are more closely related to birds and crocodiles or to lizards. Leer más.
Stavano per imbarcarsi sulla nave in partenza da Golfo Aranci per Livorno con 80 tartarughe, di varie specie, nascoste nell’auto. Leer más.