So the local weatherman says there’s a big storm coming. We’ve heard that one before. But really, it’s coming – even the Weather Channel says so. Leer más.

When biologist Ruben Ramirez wants to introduce people to his favorite amphibian, he takes them to a little oasis in the southwestern foothills of the Tehachapi Mountains where an isolated colony of endangered arroyo toads clings to existence by their stout little toes. Leer más.
Se non fose pola treboada do domingo pasado non semella que estemos en agosto, levamos unha semana de dias pechados, chuvia, e temperaturas baixas. Hoxe puiden escapar un par de horas as Ribeiras do Louro, e semellaba mais un dia de outono, rozando os 20º, pouca actividade dos animais. Leer más.
Scientists have yet to discover, or classify, about 90 percent of the plant and animal species on Earth, which is estimated to be home to just under 9 million species, a study says. Leer más.
Esta semana (del 16 al 19 de agosto) he realizado un viaje por la Cordillera Pirenaica en compañía de Aitor Valdeón y Juanma Dominguez, los cuales han resultado ser dos estupendos compañeros de aventuras. Leer más.