For too long we have been telling the world, as well as each other, that Australia’s snakes are the most venomous. On what evidence do we make this assumption? Solely on their ability to kill mice! What a joke! Leer más.

Amphibians and Reptiles–An Introduction to Their Natural History and Conservation is targeted for children from fifth to eighth grade (and older) readers, and to those who have an interest in amphibians and reptiles. Teachers will find considerable information relevant to science standards for grades 5 through 8. This book is unique because it also includes information on conservation. Leer más.
Científicos del Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont (ICP) en colaboración con el Laboratorio para la Innovación Tecnológica de las Estracturas y los Materiales (LITEM) de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya en Terrasa, han publicado esta semana un estudio sobre como se alimentaban los primeros tetrápodos, los primeros vertebrados que adquirieron miembros y dedos. Leer más.
The sand lizards have been re-introduced to this part of the Dorset coast as part of a long-term conservation project. Leer más.