Today, conservation biologists from around the world remain locked in a race against amphibian extinction. In Panama, researchers who care about conserving the country’s abundant biodiversity are re-evaluating the cards they were handed, recognizing just how high the deck is stacked against their efforts. Leer más.

El concejal de Medio Ambiente del Ayuntamiento, Jaime Pérez, ha inaugurado esta muestra, desarrollada por la Asociación Herpetológica Española (AHE) en colaboración con otras entidades como la Asociación de Naturalistas del Sureste (ANSE) y el Centro de Recuperación de Anfibios y Reptiles de Cataluña (CRARC). Leer más.
Most reptile sex pheromones so far described are lipid molecules too large to diffuse through the air; instead, they are detected via direct contact (tongue-flicking) with another animal’s body or substrate-deposited trails, using the vomeronasal system. leer más.