O dinossauro carnívoro conhecido como carnotaurus, que habitava a América do Sul, era uma espécie muito mais mortífera do que se acreditava, segundo as últimas pesquisas de um cientista da Universidade de Alberta, no Canadá. Leer más.
The frogs defend themselves with sharp bone claws on their hind feet but to do so, the animals have to drive the claws through their own skin. It’s an extreme defence that is completely unique in the animal world. Leer más.
Assemblyman Bob Oaks, R-Macedon, questions whether the 12-foot “Frog Xing” signs, like this one posted near Chimney Bluffs State Park in Wayne County, were a good use of money. Some of the signs were stolen shortly after being erected. Leer más.
The Associated Press is reporting that United States Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to list the Puerto Rican coqui llanero treefrog (Eleutherodactylus juanariveroi) as an endangered species. The tiny treefrog is about the size of a human toenail and has a high pitched frequency when communicating with other frogs that can barely be heard by the human ear. The agency has proposed to set aside more than 600 acres of wetlands in the northern portion of the island nation as the frog’s critical habitat. Leer más.