La tortuga pintada, tortuga escurridiza o jicotea (Trachemys scripta) es una de las catorce especies del género Trachemys de tortugas acuáticas, de la familia de los emidídeos. Leer más.

The image of a Tyrannosaurus rex racing after a jeep in the 1993 film Jurassic Park inspired a generation’s ideas about the extinct predator, but for decades studies have concluded that dinosaurs could not move quickly. Leer más.
This reclusive nocturnal frog tends to be very shy, and likes to live in holes, burrows and tunnels during the day. It does not dig its own tunnels, but rather utilizes those that have been dug by other animals, most often gopher tortoises. Leer más.
Hopping around in the Peruvian jungle, near the border with Brazil, is a menagerie of tiny poison dart frogs. Their wealth of colors and patterns—some have golden heads atop white-swirled bodies, others wear full-torso tattoos of black and neon-yellow stripes—act as the world’s worst advertisement to predators: Don’t eat me, I’m toxic. But why have so many designs evolved when a single one might do? Leer más.
Almost three years’ worth of surveys into herpetofauna diversity in Bahia, Brazil have resulted in listings of more than 100 amphibian and reptile species, filling in valuable distribution gaps and underpinning conservation efforts there. Leer más.