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Portugal registou os primeiros nascimentos de crias de cágado de carapaça estriada em cativeiro, uma espécie em perigo de extinção, o que aumenta a possibilidade de recuperação das suas populações. Leer más.
The fossil gallery at the recent Munich Show 2011 was dedicated to the “European Dinosaurs” – a good overview of some of the historic fossils (with the classics from Victorian Britain and Germany), but also special apparitions of the newest discoveries from the Mesozoic of the European continent. Leer más.
I have often been accused of being a fossil killjoy. I regularly disappoint paleontology fans who prefer to see prehistory as a constant battle of all against all. But them’s the breaks—as we understand the fossil record better, sometimes prehistory turns out to be less blood-spattered than we thought. Leer más.
Hasta hace poco esta especie no estaba descrita y sus poblaciones se consideraban incluidas dentro de Trapelus mutabilis. Leer más.