Natural selection has played a role in the development of the many skins patterns of the tiny Ranitomeya imitator poison dart frog, according to a study that will be published in an upcoming edition of American Naturalist by University of Montreal biologist Mathieu Chouteau. Leer más.

Crocodiles, alligators, caimans and the related gharials – are reptiles adapted for an aquatic way of life. They are powerful swimmers, but also spend some of their time on land, basking in the sun. Leer más.
From museum displays to comic books and feature films, Tyrannosaurus rex has been celebrated as one of the biggest, meanest and ugliest predatory dinosaurs of all time. The image of this long-extinct carnivore as the apex of the apex predators has a nearly unstoppable amount of cultural inertia. Leer más.
Científicos españoles han revisado restos fósiles de un espécimen de capitosaurio y han descubierto que posee características particulares, distintas a ninguna otra especie similar lo que les ha llevado a bautizarlo de nuevo como Calmasuchus acri. Leer más.