Dec 2011 : Volume 45 Issue 4. Ir al enlace.

Located at an altitude of over 700 meters in a mountainous Atlantic Forest area, the small town of Arvorezinha, in upstate Rio Grande do Sul, in southern Brazil, was the place chosen by the red-belly toad (melanophryniscus admirabillis) as its habitat. The small amphibian’s population is spread over an area that does not exceed 500 meters from the banks of the Forqueta River, which crosses the area. Leer más.
Conservation groups in partnership with PARC are designating 2012 as the Year of the Lizard. Leer más.
I thought I was off the hook with soaking this time, but evidently my tortoise mom had second thoughts. She was worried about my kidneys, especially after comparing my pre-hibernation lab work from 2011 to 2010 (urates increased from 7.1 to 9.8!). Leer más.
La Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi ha comenzado una nueva línea de investigación que estudiará los efectos de las actividades humanas en el patrimonio natural y la biodiversidad, utilizando a los anfibios y reptiles como bioindicadores, según ha informado en un comunicado. Leer más.