A species of Galapagos tortoise – thought to be extinct for over 150 years – may, in fact, be alive and well. This finding – made by geneticists at Yale University– is particularly surprising when you consider that this reptile is of giant proportions, measuring more than a metre from the front to the back of its shell and weighing more than 200 kg. How could such a behemoth have gone unnoticed for so long? Leer más.

The first mild, rainy evening of late winter or early spring often sends hundreds of the lizard-like amphibians out in search of love. Trouble is, the tiny animals often venture onto rural roads to try to get from one swampy site to another, and that makes them vulnerable to even occasional traffic. Leer más.
Investigadores del Instituto Antártico Argentino (IAA) y del CONICET descubrieron restos de un saurópodo que medía más de 10 metros al este de la Península Antártica. Ahora, intentarán develar cómo estos dinosaurios cuadrúpedos de gran tamaño llegaron al continente que hoy está aislado geográficamente. Leer más.