Amphibians—frogs, toads, salamanders and the lesser-known caecilians —are the most threatened of all vertebrates. Over 6,200 species have been identified; of those 41% are at risk of extinction and almost half are in decline. Their disappearance would have dramatic consequences for species that share the same ecosystems -including people. Leer más.

Las cuotas como socios de la Asociación Herpetológica Española para los grupos de marcado de tortugas marinas son las que se detallan a continuación:
Para 2 anilladores: 50 €
Para 3 anilladores: 75 €
Para 4 anilladores: 100 €
A partir del 4º anillador, se incrementara en 18 euros cada nuevo anillador.
El Instituto de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad Nacional estima que entre 50 y 100 millones de estos reptiles mueren al año por causas ajenas a su naturaleza. Lanzan alerta. Leer más.
ontroversy over the sale of “frog-o-sphere” kits has reached Windsor, with an online petition to get one store to stop carrying them gaining almost 400 signatures in one day. Leer más.
About 100 geometric tortoises had been rescued by yesterday, as well as another 100 common parrot-beaked tortoises and a few angulate tortoises. Leer más.