El 96 por ciento de los reptiles y anfibios que existen en la cuenca del río Chuvíscar, entre El Herradero y Aldama, se encuentra en peligro de desaparecer, debido a la presión que representa la ocupación humana. Leer más.

Spanish name: Cutín de ingle amarilla. Common to infrequent. Pristimantis luteolateralis is nocturnal, arboreal, and prefers deep evergreen foothill and montane forests, but occurs as well marginally in modified environments. During night, it perches, sings and moves on vegetation 20–400 cm from ground; during day, it hides inside the leaf-litter. Being a terrestrial breeding frog, Pristimantis luteolateralis occurs all over the forest, and is active almost independently of weather conditions. Leer más.
That science has benefited immensely from technological advances in the last few decades, or even the last century, is a fact. But one research tool that many scientists would argue need not be improved is the handwritten field notebook. Leer más.