Ahir diumenge 22 de gener, l’ADENC va convocar els voluntaris i voluntàries ambientals per una nova jornada de treball, en aquest cas, dedicada a l’adequació de basses per amfibis. Leer más.

Local traditional owners, the Mandubarra clan have been running a turtle monitoring program along the coast for more than five years and have a self-imposed moratorium on hunting that runs from Maria Creek to Mourilyan Harbour. Leer más.
cientists studying genetic variation and gene flow in a population of tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) in California’s Mojave Desert, were surprised recently to discover that two roads built in the desert in the 1970s had a noticeable impact on the population’s genetic structure. Leer más.
This toad, although cute, is deadly. The cane toad (Rhinella marina) is highly toxic to many animals. It is most toxic as a tadpole; as an adult its toxicity affects different species and even individuals within a species differently. This nocturnal toad’s toxin that is secreted from its skin is capable of killing freshwater crocodiles and is even harmful to humans. Leer más.
Investigadores del CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), de la Ohio University, de la UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia) y de la Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin han publicado un estudio científico que aporta datos inéditos sobre las habilidades en el movimiento del cuello y la cabeza del saurópodo ‘Spinophorosaurus nigerensis’, “uno de los dinosaurios más completos y primitivos que se conocen”, según ha informado en un comunicado el consistorio ilicitano. Leer más.