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Se trata de un ofidio de mediano tamaño que alcanza una talla máxima de 94,5 cm, incluida la cola (Crochet et al., 2008). Leer más.
The eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus), a candidate for protection under the federal Endangered Species Act, suffers from habitat loss and environmental stresses wherever it is found, said University of Illinois comparative biosciences visiting instructor and wildlife veterinarian Matthew Allender, who led the health investigation. Leer más.
Though often regarded as loners, rattlesnakes may be relatively social, cuddling up with their relatives, a finding that suggests serpents may have more complex social lives than currently appreciated, researchers say. Leer más.
Since before the age of dinosaurs it has burrowed unbothered beneath the monsoon-soaked soils of remote northeast India – unknown to science and mistaken by villagers as a deadly, miniature snake. Leer más.