Los anfibios como los sapos y ranas tienen un rol muy importante para el medio ambiente. Son bio indicadores, hacen el control de plagas por alimentarse de insectos perjudiciales, también son alimento para otros animales; por otra parte son muy importantes para la medicina, ya que ayudan a la creación de fármacos. A pesar de todas estas razones, los anfibios están en peligro de extinguirse en todo el mundo. En Bolivia, más de 50 especies están en la categoría de amenaza crítica del Libro Rojo de Vertebrados. Leer más.

We could start our story off with a cliché opening: it was a dark and stormy night, and it would almost work this time. But in all reality, it was a rather cold, foggy evening instead. We were out walking the dog at the edge of the village when we spotted something in the middle of the road. Leer más.
A fear for snakes is prevalent in most cultures around the world and in a number of individual people. People are scared of snakes for a variety of reasons, but most respond in a similar fashion when asked as to why. Most people will quickly tell a story of being a young girl or boy and having an unpleasant encounter with a serpent in their yard, at grandma’s farm, or even during a school presentation. Of the people asked few have thought about the incident aside from when they tell the dreaded story to someone inquiring about their fear for snakes. Few have actually analyzed the event to determine if the facts are still straight in their head and if the snake was really as big and as aggressive as they remember. Leer más.
Colombia holds more than 75 species of Anole lizards, making them the second most speciose vertebrate genus in our country next to the frog genus Pristimantis. Most species are shared with other countries of Central America and northern South America, but anoles have diverged in such an incredible way in Colombia that a large number of quite interesting and endemic species occur in the mountain highlands of the Andes, the insular portion of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean and the Chocó and Amazonian lowlands. Leer más.
Despite its name, the Common Toad is no longer as common as it once was, and toads are now considered an ‘at risk’, Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) species, and are protected by law from sale and trade. Leer más.