The current extinction rate of amphibians is roughly 1,000 times higher than at any other time in their 360-million-year history, and the European Union has a crucial role in helping stop the decline. Leer más.
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“If the weather report holds true for this evening,” says Henryk Teraszkiewicz, executive director of the Woodcock Nature Center, “there is a good chance, early as it may be, that the amphibian migration may happen, or at least begin.” Leer más.
Collaborative action is needed to protect amphibians and other animals from being killed and injured on roads across Europe, according to a Peterborough-based charity. Leer más.
Los anfibios ecuatorianos representan el 9% de la diversidad mundial de anfibios. No obstante, la cifra actual de 502 especies registradas formalmente ( 472 Anura, 7 Caudata y 23 Gymnophiona) dista de ser real, pues se presume la existencia de no menos de 700 especies. Leer más.