Paleontólogos de Teruel han logrado recuperar el cráneo del dinosaurio más grande de Europa, el ‘Turiasaurus Riodevensis’, un espectacular saurópodo de 30 metros de altura que vivió en los alrededores de lo que hoy es el municipio turolense de Riodeva. Se trata de uno de los tres únicos cráneos de estos gigantescos animales del Jurásico que se conocen en todo el mundo. Leer más.

A species of lizard is now extinct from the Hawaiian Islands, making it the latest native vertebrate species to become extirpated from this tropical archipelago. Leer más.
The Sticky Tongue Project and The Reptile Apartment Group are happy to announce … no wait, scratch that … we are ecstatic to announce that we are entering into a partnership to bring our audiences the very BEST in in herpetological media such as podcasts, magazines, and blogs. To that end, you will begin to see some new collaborative efforts spanning the sites of The Reptile Apartment Group and The Sticky Tongue Project. The first of these efforts will be the Herp Photo Caption Challenge Contest … but now with prizes! Leer más.