For just $25.00 a copy autographed by both writers. add $6.00 for shipping and handling and you have become a HerpDigest Hero helping it survive. Leer más.

A rare white alligator could be taking a summer vacation at Capron Park Zoo. A City Council committee is expected to consider a four-month, $8,000 rental agreement with an alligator farm in St. Augustine, Fla. on Tuesday. The full council will consider the expenditure the following Tuesday. Leer más.
Si queréis un interesante plan para estas vacaciones de Semana Santa podéis visitar el Museo de Dinosaurios de Salas de los Infantes (Burgos), que alberga una de las colecciones de fósiles de dinosaurios más importante de España. ¡Os esperamos! Leer más.
This is the oldest embryo ever discovered on Earth, found in Uruguay and Brazil. It is a baby mesosaur, a group of small aquatic reptiles from the early Permian. According to the researchers, it’s the earliest known case of viviparity. Leer más.
An ambitious goal to describe 10 million species in less than 50 years is achievable and necessary to sustain Earth’s biodiversity, according to an international group of 39 scientists, scholars and engineers who provided a detailed plan, including measures to build public support, in the March 30 issue of the journalSystematics and Biodiversity. The journal is based at the Natural History Museum in London. Leer más.