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Or, at least, do not disturb the sachatamia’s (Sachatamia punctulata) habitat. That’s because this Colombian frog is picky about where it lays its eggs: only in gallery forest on leaves that overhang water. Once they hatch, the tadpoles drop from that perch into the water to finish growing up. Leer más.
om cada any, la primavera fa despertar del llarg son hivernal als rèptils. Aprofitant aquest fet natural, un any més el CRARC col•labora amb el Parc Natural de la Serra de Montsant, programant una sortida de descoberta de la fauna herpetològica de Montsant. Leer más.
A law banning the harvesting of wild turtles and their eggs went into effect April 8 in the state of Alabama. The state passed the law in part to prevent the depletion of its turtle populations due to demand in Asia for turtle meat. Leer más.
Over half of 2 million frogs imported to Bay Area annually carry disease that endangers local amphibians. Leer más.