A young Missouri man has turned to the Internet in search of investors for his expedition into the remote jungles of Africa seeking to document undiscovered flora and fauna. That is not so unusual, but one of the creatures he hopes to find is: a living dinosaur. Leer más.

Geologists in Russia’s volatile Chechnya region have discovered what they believe to be fossilized dinosaur eggs laid by one of the huge extinct reptiles that roamed the Earth more than 60 million years ago. Leer más.
A la captura accidental de tortugas boba debida a actividades humanas le sigue un proceso de recuperación más o menos complicado en función de las lesiones que presenten. Investigadores españoles han analizado el proceso de reinserción al medio de estos animales y han descubierto que hay alteraciones de conducta en los ejemplares que sufren una rehabilitación complicada. Leer más.
The Center for Biological Diversity and Turtle Island Restoration Network (SeaTurtles.org) filed a formal notice of intent to sue the Obama administration today seeking to protect critical habitat for endangered Pacific loggerhead sea turtles along the U.S. West Coast and across the Pacific Ocean. North Pacific loggerheads, which nest in Japan and cross the Pacific to feed along the coasts of Southern California and Mexico, have declined by at least 80 percent over the past decade. Leer más.
The number of critically endangered Chinese alligators living in the wild has been growing over the past few years, thanks to human efforts to aid in the animals’ survival. Leer más.