Ever heard of Brachytrachelopan? How about Linhenykus? Or Panphagia, Jobaria or Polacanthus? Even if you really love dinosaurs (or have an obsessed child) you may not have heard of any of these, but they are indeed all dinosaurs and are among the ranks of animals that include more familiar names like Stegosaurus, Allosaurus and Diplodocus. Leer más.

Nos próximos dias 30 de Junho e 1 de Julho vai decorrer no Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve em Faro o Curso de Iniciação à Identificação e Ecologia de Répteis, organizado pelo RIAS/Aldeia. Leer más.
I sympathize with the Brazilian white-banded tree frog, at least the ones subjected to recorded bullfrog calls, because I myself have had some negative experiences with recorded cricket noises. Leer más.
Cuatro ejemplares de Galápagos europeos (Emys orbicularis) han sido este miércoles liberados en el área del filtro verde de l’Albufera Sur, conocido como el Tancat de la Milia, en la localidad valenciana de Sollana. Leer más.