Look up any dinosaur, and chances are you will soon come across an estimate for how long it was. And chances are that estimate is wrong. That’s because, as Dave Hone from University College Dublin points out, our knowledge of dinosaur tails is woefully inadequate. Leer más.

Vecinos de Peña Trevinca denuncian la aparición de culebras. Leer más. La Asociación Zamorana de Ciencias Naturales apoyada por la AHE realizará en breve una nota de prensa dirigida a este periódico solicitando más rigor informativo y contraste de sus informaciones en relación a esta noticia.
Dinosaurs, the mystical and often fierce giants that once roamed planet Earth, seem to come alive in the minds of many a child. It was this imagination that led one young dino enthusiast to attempt to bring these paleo-beasts to life through his science-based illustrations. Leer más.
A new species of pterosaur, the flying reptiles that lived alongside the dinosaurs, has been discovered in Germany. It dates from the late Jurassic period, around 155 million years ago, making it one of the oldest pterosaurs known. Leer más.
Biodiversity monitoring programs need to be designed so that population changes can be detected reliably. This can be problematical for species that are cryptic and have imperfect detection. We used occupancy modeling and power analysis to optimize the survey design for reptile monitoring programs in the UK. Leer más.