The stress of drought is acutely felt by aquatic animals such as salamanders. The extreme drought in the southeastern United States in 2007-2008 provided an opportunity to study how salamanders react and survive during such dry conditions. It also gave us clues as to how salamanders and other aquatic organisms may react to global warming. Leer más.

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New science documenting important nesting, migration and foraging habitat for Western Australia’s sea turtles was revealed at the first-ever Western Australian Sea Turtle Symposium at Curtin University in Perth on August 27 and 28. The results of satellite tracking, tagging and nest monitoring from both recent research and unpublished research from past programs reinforced the importance of the Kimberley coast to virtually all sea turtle populations and species along the coast. Extended abstracts from the presentations will be published by year’s end. Leer más.
The most-studied mass extinction in Earth history happened 65 million years ago and is widely thought to have wiped out the dinosaurs. New University of Washington research indicates that a separate extinction came shortly before that, triggered by volcanic eruptions that warmed the planet and killed life on the ocean floor. Leer más.