Comme chaque année à la même époque, des centaines de bébés tortues de mer naissent sur les côtes méditerranéennes, notamment sur les plages de Chypre. Ir al enlace.
When peering into a hatched sea turtle nest to search for stragglers or unhatched eggs, nest monitors never expect to see a creamy colored hatchling sitting there, but twice in recent weeks, they’ve found just that. Leer más.
Dozens of sand lizards – one of Britain’s rarest reptiles – are to be released on heathland in Surrey as part of a three-year conservation project. Leer más.
Construction of the future home was permitted under Florida’s former “incidental take” policy that allowed the tortoises to be crushed or buried alive, but the developer collaborated with a group of wildlife specialists to save these members of the threatened species. Leer más.