After 10 years of painstakingly unearthing scattered dinosaur fossils at a site along the base of the Pryor Mountains, Glenn Storrs believes he has figured out how the bones arrived at their final resting place 145 million to 150 million years ago. Leer más.

STC’s sea turtle calendar: Sea Turtle Scenes 2013. The 11″ x 17″ (open) wall calendar features some of STC’s favorite sea turtles in action. Leer más.
Scientists have discovered that the lethal beaked sea snake is actually two species with separate evolutions, which resulted in identical snakes. Leer más.
The Southern Stiletto Snake is a small (average adult body size around 30-40 cm) venomous snake found in Eastern and Southern Africa where it occurs in a variety of habitats including grasslands, savannas and forests. Leer más.
Male tree frogs like to ‘see what they’re getting’ when they select females for mating, according to a new study by Dr. Michael Reichert from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in the US. Leer más.