Orsini’s viper, a rare and protected species at risk of extinction in France, has an original reproductive strategy. In alternate years, it switches between reproductive and non-reproductive behavior. This strategy has recently been uncovered by a team from the Laboratoire Ecologie et Evolution (CNRS/UPMC/ENS), the Centre de Recherche en Ecologie Expérimentale et Predictive (CNRS/ENS)(1), and the Université Paris Sorbonne. Leer más.

In order to be effective, a Conservation Unit must have available a list of the species that live within it. They also should have detailed information about the distribution of species among the available habitats. It would be difficult to correctly plan the conservation actions and/or monitoring programs without some minimal knowledge about the species (who are the object of those measures). Leer más.
Os últimos exemplares de lagartixa das brañas que aínda sobreviven en Galicia ailladas en altos cumios das máis frías das nosas serras son unha reliquia do periodo glacial. Leer más.