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Images from Anatome Testudinis Europaeae (1819-21) by the German physician and naturalist Ludwig Heinrich Bojanus (1776–1827). Ir al enlace.
With the Atacama Desert to the north, the Andes to the east, Patagonia to the south and the Pacific Ocean to the west, the landscape in south-central Chile is a confined oasis that some species have never dared to leave. For the 20 million-year-old Bullock frog, now engaged in a quiet property dispute in the Nahuelbuta mountain range, this isolation is beginning to prove problematic. Leer más.
19th – 21st April 2013 at the Natural History Museum, London. Ir al enlace.
As ecologists assemble ever larger parts of the tree of life, whose evolutionary branches connect the millions of species on Earth, they need better ways of presenting and organising information. Now, biologist Dr James Rosindell of Imperial College London has developed a revolutionary way of visualising the tree of life. Leer más.