
Aurreko sarrera batean igel jauzkariaren (Rana dalmatina) ezteien hasiera zabaltzen genuen. Dena prest zirudien gertakizun pozgarri honetarako. Euri zaparrada oparoei esker, bazterrak heze baino blai ageri ziren. Dagoeneko arrak beren izkutalekuetatik atereak ziren, putzuetan elkartzen zirelarik despistatu xamar ziruditen igel gorri (Rana temporaria) batzurekin. Hala ere, ezinegona nabaria zen bildutako arren artean. Emeak falta zirelarik, ezin hasi festa … Leer más

The Center for Biological Diversity filed a formal notice of intent today to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over the agency’s failure to protect the MacGillivray’s seaside sparrow and the Florida Keys mole skink under the Endangered Species Act. Both species are severely threatened by sea-level rise: The sparrow depends on marshes that are threatened by rising seas, while the mole skink is found only on Florida’s low-lying keys, at risk of inundation. Driven by climate change, sea-level rise of three feet to six feet in Florida is highly likely within this century. Leer más.

Illora TV, muestra el proceso de impermeabilización de una charca en una cantera abandonada. Aquí se vienen reproduciendo los sapos corredores (Bufo calamita) con poca suerte durante los últimos años. Nuestro objetivo pretende conseguir, con la construccion de esta charca, que la especie finalice adecuadamente su larvario y se produzca la metamorfosis, además de contar con un punto de agua superficial para todo el ecosistema de la zona. Leer más.

Scientists and the public usually rejoice when a new species is discovered. But biologist Bryan Stuart has learned the hard way that the discovery of new species, especially when that species is commercially valuable, has a dark side-one that could potentially wipe out the new species before protections can be put in place. Leer más.