There are a number of animals that we tend to associate with sex. Tigers (as in, “Slow down, you tiger!”) tends to be a top contender, although sometimes it gets so crazy that we simply resort to generalizations. Anyone who’s ever yelled, “You sexy beast” amidst the throes of passion is complicit in this lack of specificity. Leer más.

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Biologist Bryan Windmiller checked for Blanding’s turtles fitted with radio transmitters at the Great Meadows refuge, in a conservation effort that includes raising hatchlings in captivity; the turtle below was “head-started” by Curtis Middle School students in Sudbury. Leer más.
Andreia Miraldo, Christiana Faria, Godfrey M. Hewitt, Octavio S. Paulo, Brent C. Emerson. Genetic analysis of a contact zone between two lineages of the ocellated lizard (Lacerta lepida Daudin 1802) in south-eastern Iberia reveal a steep and narrow hybrid zone. Podéis descargaros el artículo en el siguiente enlace.
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