Llamada de apareamiento del sapo corredor, bufo calamita. Nada mas anochecer y debido a las importantes lluvias que han caído durante este invierno los prados están inundados y repletos de charcos. Leer más.

Governments worldwide voted last week to improve the measures protecting more than 30 freshwater turtles and a tortoise from overharvesting for the international pet and meat trades. Leer más.
Paleontologists have found remarkably well-preserved fossils of two crocodilians and a hippo-like mammal during recent excavations in the Panama Canal. Leer más.
Today, federal fishery managers meeting in Tacoma, WA, voted to maintain the no-fishing zone along the California and Oregon coasts to protect the highly endangered leatherback for at least for a year while they gather more scientific data. Leer más.