Many scientists have thought that dinosaur predecessors missed the race to fill habitats emptied when nine out of 10 species disappeared during Earth’s largest mass extinction, approximately 252 million years ago. The thinking was based on fossil records from sites in South Africa and southwest Russia. Leer más.

Nesting green sea turtles are benefiting from marine protected areas by using habitats found within their boundaries, according to a U.S. Geological Survey study that is the first to track the federally protected turtles in Dry Tortugas National Park. Leer más.
Sometimes it’s easy to forget that anoles aren’t the only animals in the Caribbean. But, in fact, there are other types, even of reptiles, and some of them have diversified a fair bit (though none, of course, to the extent of anoles). One such group are the alsophiine snakes, formerly all in the genus Alsophis. This Caribbean radiation of racer-like snakes includes at least 43 species ranging in size from 200-2000 mm in length and occupying a variety of habitats. Leer más.
El pasado 28 de abril murió Paulo Vanzolini a los 89 años. Herpetólogo de referencia en Brasil trabajó en el Museo de Zoologia de la Universidad de Sao Paulo. Leer más.