The Ozark Hellbender–that’s a salamandar, by the way–resides in the White River system that flows along the Missouri-Arkansas border. Hellbenders have been on the Endangered Species list for decades, a fact some blame on the low water quality of Ozarks waterways. Leer más.

Based on the results of the present work, we (i) review the systematics of the genus Salamandra in Morocco, including the description of a new subspecies from the Rif- and Middle Atlas Mountains, Salamandra algira splendens ssp. nov.; (ii) present data on intraspecific morphological variability of Pelobates varaldiiand Pleurodeles waltl in Morocco; (iii) attempt to resolve the phylogenetic position of Bufo brongersmai and erect a new genus for this species, Barbarophryne gen. nov.; (iv) summarize and assess the availability of tadpole-specific characteristics and bioacoustical data, and (v) summarize natural history data.. Leer más.
A new Dartmouth College study finds human-caused climate change may have little impact on many species of tropical lizards, contradicting a host of recent studies that predict their widespread extinction in a rapidly warming planet. Leer más.
A new iguana has been discovered in the central regions of Fiji. The colorful new species, named Brachylophus bulabula, joins only two other living Pacific iguana species, one of which is critically endangered. The scientific name bulabula is a doubling of bula, the Fijian word for “hello,” offering an even more enthusiastic greeting. Leer más.
En Barcelona habitan grandes poblaciones de anfibios, unos animales que son clave para la subsistencia de otras especies. Unos espacios verdes con estanques naturales y una gestión esmerada de los hábitats han hecho posible el crecimiento de estas poblaciones. Leer más.