La enfermedad que afecta a la población de tortugas europeas de As Gándaras de Budiño y que está diezmando a la colonia es un parásito que nunca se había detectado en España ni en Europa. Leer más.

A field study of the impact of the American mink on a mountainous vertebrate community in central Spain is presented. We studied six species: two fish, one amphibian, one bird, and two mammals. Leer más.
The first-ever estimate of how fast frogs, toads and salamanders in the United States are disappearing from their habitats reveals they are vanishing at an alarming and rapid rate. Leer más.
The Obama administration has agreed to map out areas for designation as protected nesting beaches for endangered loggerhead sea turtles. Leer más.
Here at AA, we’re a bit obsessed with lizards with things on their noses, technically called “rostral appendages,” and sometimes, depending on shape, “horns.” A lot of this interest comes Anolis proboscis, the horned anole of Ecuador, about which we’ve written much before. Leer más.