Was the evolution of high-quality vision in our ancestors driven by the threat of snakes? Work by neuroscientists in Japan and Brazil is supporting the theory originally put forward by Lynne Isbell, professor of anthropology at the University of California, Davis. Leer más.

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For a $21 donation, we thank you with a Herp Digest 2014 Calendar. And for an additional $18 donation you get an additional calendar of your choice. S&H is included. Leer más.
The poisonous amphibian common to the area nearly killed a dog in Tampa. Keep pets away, vets say, but react quickly if they encounter one. Leer más.
New collaborative research conducted by Macquarie University and the Australian National University on a common Australian lizard, the Eastern Water Skink, has revealed that sexual selection, the process whereby certain individuals gain a reproductive advantage, likely promotes the evolution of ‘floater’ and ‘territorial’ behavioural reproductive tactics in males. Leer más.