In spiny-footed lizards (Acanthodactylus erythrurus), adult females (but not males) show conspicuous red colouration in the tail and hind legs. To investigate the function of this red colouring and proximal causes of seasonal colour change, we captured adult females before the reproductive season and kept them in captivity in one of the three following situations: with a male and fertilization possible, with a male and fertilization impossible, or with another female (fertilization also impossible). Colour was quantified using spectrophotometry. Leer más.

Gekkonid field studies are hampered by the difficulty to individually recognize individuals. In this study we assess the feasibility of using their variegated iris pattern to photo-identify Tarentola boettgeri bischoffi, a threatened Macaronesian endemic. Leer más.
The great sensitivity of amphibians to land disturbance is one of the main causes that contributed to their worldwide decline. One fundamental approach in assessing amphibian ability to reflect habitat degradation is to measure their phenotypic changes in contrasting environments. We examined the extent to which several morphological traits of the endemic anuran Pelophylax perezi responded to agricultural conversion in Monegros, an arid region in NE Spain. Specifically, we determined how body size, body mass, body condition (BC) and fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of different frog classes varied among habitats with different degree of management, i.e. rice fields vs. control ponds (i.e. small reservoirs). Leer más.
When working in the field one must sometimes be creative. During our research in Nicaragua (2011) on Bolitoglossa insularis we needed to device a method to establish the home range of these small, lungless salamanders. – Leer más.