Researchers at Bielefeld University and the Technische Universität Braunschweig are the first to confirm the benefit of multiple paternities for a vertebrate under completely natural conditions. Leer más.

Anolis blanquillanus is a rare lizard that occurs on the flattened Blanquilla Island and on Los Hermanos archipelago (the Brother’s Archipelago), which comprises a series of seven islets or Morros that emerge abruptly from the sea. Leer más.
Bé com que veig que mai trobo el moment per fer entrades llargues al bloc (les que m’agraden més de fer, però que demanen més feina alhora, clar), de moment, aniré penjant entrades curioses encara que no siguin tant treballades…. la feina m’està depredant! I com que la feina m’està depredant i treballo en aquests moments en depredació… penjo aquestes fotos fetes durant els experiments que estem duent a terme a la facultat… sobre depredació. Leer más.
Many people live in fear of snakes, especially of venomous species that can inflict a lethal bite. There is evidence that our fear of snakes is innate, because our ancestors have been preyed upon by them for millions of years, even before we were primates. Other evidence suggests a significant learned component to ophidiophobia. Leer más.
In recent years it has – I really, really hope – become better known that non-bird reptiles (turtles, lizards, snakes, crocodiles, alligators and so on) are not boring dullards, but behaviourally complex creatures that get up to all sorts of interesting things. Leer más.