Last week, while going through some old pictures I had stored on my computer , I happened upon a few photos of A. equestris that I must have saved back when I used to surf the web for pictures of anoles. Leer más.

I’m a little embarrassed to be writing this post, but I’m still unable to figure out some of the proposed changes to anole binomials in Nicholson et al.’s (2012) taxonomic revision ofAnolis. I’m a real novice with implementation of “The Code” and the rules of theInternational Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, so I’m looking for a bit of help from AA readers who are more expert than I. Leer más.
From the Great Lakes region to New England and up into Canada hybrid Ambystoma salamanders occur. Four species are involved in this hybridization complex: Jefferson salamander (Ambystoma jeffersonianum), blue-spotted salamander (Ambystoma laterale), smallmouth salamander (Ambystoma texanum), and eastern tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum). These species have hybridized into several interesting forms that are entirely female and usually polyploid, meaning they have more chromosome sets than the standard diploid (2 sets). Hybrids can exist with genetic material from three of the four species. Individuals can be triploid (3 sets of chromosomes), tetraploid (4 sets), and even pentaploid (5 sets). Leer más.
The first full study of a snake’s genome has revealed the Burmese python to be one of the most evolutionarily advanced creatures on Earth, international researchers said Monday. Leer más.
A new study has provided the first comprehensive insight into how snake venom evolved into the sophisticated cocktail of different proteins it is today. Leer más.