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Nadja Osojnik, Anamarija Žagar, Miguel A. Carretero, Enrique García-Muñoz and Al Vrezec. Herpetologica. Volume 69, Issue 4 (December 2013). Ir al enlace.
Al igual que un sinnúmero de especies endémicas de Ecuador, la rana de cristal cantora (Centrolene pipilatum) se encuentra en peligro crítico, sobre todo por la destrucción de su hábitat debido a la agricultura y la ganadería. Leer más.
The small rhacophorid frog Philautus abditus is geographically restricted to central Vietnam and adjacent Cambodia. Our fieldwork in northern Laos resulted in the discovery of a Philautus species that very closely resembles P. abditus, but is at least 330 km from the nearest known locality of that species. Leer más.
But the rodent commandos didn’t know they were on a mission: to help eradicate the brown tree snake, an invasive species that has caused millions of dollars inwildlife and commercial losses since it arrived a few decades ago. Leer más.