Amphibians are sort of the canary in the coal mine for gauging the environmental health of land and surface water. The study was released in November, and looks atamphibian abnormalities on 152 wildlife refuges across the country, including five in Alaska. Leer más.

Unha vez acumulados os datos obtidos durante o ano 2.012 aos rexistrados ata decembro de 2.011, sumamos 11.598 datos totais para 4.081 datos non repetidos (35%). De anfibios obtivéronse 7.285 datos, dos cales 2.303 (32%) foron datos non repetidos, e de réptiles 4.313 datos totais aos que lles corresponden 1.778 datos non repetidos (41%). Leer más.
Feeding wildlife is an increasingly common tourist activity, but a new study published online today by the journal Conservation Physiology shows that already-imperilled iguanas are suffering further physiological problems as a result of being fed by tourists. Leer más.
When scientists publish a paper on a particular species, they’re generally not imagining that they’re helping out poachers. But that’s exactly what’s happening for some scientists. According to Laurel Neme at Mongabay, scientists discovering a new species have been inadvertently contributing to wildlife trading. Leer más.
Il testo consente di conoscere le caratteristiche del Parco e delle specie di anfibi presenti, e di acquisire maggiore consapevolezza di quanto l’uso delle riserve idriche sia determinante per le necessità vitali di ogni essere vivente. Leer más.