Anolis desechensis is a member of the A. cristatellus species complex from Puerto Rico. Found only on the tiny island of Desecheo, very little is known about its natural history. In fact, some might question whether it should be a distinct species, but in the absence of any data, it’s hard to say. Leer más.

A team including staff from BirdLife Partner Burung Indonesia has confirmed the presence of the Komodo Dragon, the world’s largest lizard, in the west of Flores Island, Indonesia. The discovery adds further urgency to the BirdLife Partnership’s campaign to gain formal protection for the Mbeliling Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA), which includes the forests where the giant lizards were found. Leer más.
Shells of turtles which died of “natural causes” must not be used in traditional Chinese medicine, China’s food and drug watchdog said Wednesday. Leer más.
The Turtle Research Center at Hikkaduwa in Kosgoda stated that one of its rare varieties of albino sea turtles has been missing. Leer más.
Una salida que tiene como principal atractivo mostrar la vida de uno de nuestros habitantes más secretos la Salamandra común (Salamandra salamandra) una población con una característica muy curiosa, ya que es una población aislada recientemente (En los ultimos 100 años) y la única de la planicie Vallesana. Una salida para todo tipo de público, El que venga debería apuntarse en la Web de la Escola de la Natura de Parets del Valles ( ) para que quede constancia. Leer más.